Saturnalia, the winter solstice celebration of ancient Rome, was undoubtedly the most popular holiday on the Roman calendar. It was...
The custom of wassailing has deep roots in English culture, blending pre-Christian and Christian traditions into a unique practice that...
The Yule Goat, or Julbocken, is a traditional Christmas figure predominantly associated with the Nordic countries, namely Sweden, Norway, Finland,...
Mince pies, also known as Christmas pies, are a traditional festive treat popular in the United Kingdom and other countries...
A white Christmas, often depicted in holiday movies and songs, refers to a Christmas day that is marked by falling...
The Victorian era was a time of sophistication, elegance, and, most notably for our purposes today, some fantastic parlour games....
The Victorians were hugely influential with how we celebrate Christmas today. A lot of the Christmas traditions that we take...
Boxing Day, celebrated on the 26th of December, is a public holiday in many countries with strong ties to the...
Christmas is a time of tradition and customs that are rooted in both religion and culture. Rooted in ancient practices...
Mummering is a colourful, unique, and somewhat mysterious custom that originates from the British Isles. It has a long history,...
Every holiday season, millions of people around the world eagerly anticipate the reenactment of “The Nutcracker,” a two-act ballet originally...
The Enchanting Tradition of Gingerbread Houses Ever since their conception, gingerbread houses have been a staple of Christmas festivities. From...
The Upside Down Christmas Tree is an intriguing variation of the conventional upright Christmas tree that has piqued interest and...
Advent, which is derived from the Latin word “adventus” meaning “coming”, is the four-week period leading up to Christmas. It...
The festival Christmas is celebrated all over the world by Christians and non-Christians alike. It is both a religious...
As winter draws near and the festive season approaches, many cultures and communities gear up for their cherished annual customs....
The story of the Wise Men, also known as the Magi or the Three Kings, visiting the newborn Jesus Christ...
From roller skating to Mass to fried chicken dinners, here are some interesting and unique Christmas traditions from around the...
The tradition of Christmas bells is one that dates back centuries and used all over the world. Giving the holiday...
A Christmas cantata is a form of music that originated in the early 17th century, combining voice, instruments, and often...
For those of you wondering ‘what is the origin of Christmas?’ we have put together a few quick pointers to...
The enchantment of Christmas is nearly ubiquitous. Even if you don’t celebrate it as a religious festival, its customs and...
The 12 Days of Christmas is a holiday tradition that spans from December 25th to January 5th, celebrating the festive...
Christmas carols have a rich and fascinating history, rooted in a myriad of different traditions and customs from around the...
There are many different faiths and some of those different faiths celebrate Christmas. With 4200 different religions in the world,...
The tradition of the Christmas village decoration, also known as a putz, is a beloved holiday custom with roots in...
The tradition of making a special cake for Christmas has its roots in medieval England, but the cake as we...
The Origin of the Christmas Turkey Tradition The tradition of consuming turkey during Christmas is primarily a cultural phenomenon, mainly...
Christmas reindeers hold a very special place in the traditions and customs that surround the holiday season. They are featured...
The tradition of sending Christmas cards is a well-established custom that dates back to the 19th century. It is a...
Eggnog is a rich, creamy beverage that is traditionally consumed during the holiday season, particularly around Christmas. It is typically...
We may know a lot about traditional British and American Christmas but what about German Christmas traditions? It turns out...
Christmas is a season filled with joy, warmth, and many time-honoured traditions. From decorations and gift-giving to feasting and singing...
Many Christmas traditions originate from various pagan practices that predate Christianity. This rich tapestry of influence stems from numerous ancient...
Christmas markets are a long-standing holiday tradition, popular primarily in Europe but gaining momentum worldwide. These markets embody the festive...
Christmas Eve is a significant day of celebration, observed worldwide on December 24th. It marks the culmination of the Advent...
The tradition of using candles during the Christmas season dates back centuries, symbolising the light and warmth that the holiday...
Poinsettias, botanically known as Euphorbia pulcherrima, originate from the tropical deciduous forests of Mexico. They are named after Joel Roberts...
The tradition of decorating homes, churches, and public spaces with holly, ivy, and other evergreen plants during the Christmas season...
The candy cane, a familiar sweet treat, is a staple of the holiday season and has a rich tradition in...