Many Christmas traditions originate from various pagan practices that predate Christianity. This rich tapestry of influence stems from numerous ancient...
Mummering is a colourful, unique, and somewhat mysterious custom that originates from the British Isles. It has a long history,...
Saturnalia, the winter solstice celebration of ancient Rome, was undoubtedly the most popular holiday on the Roman calendar. It was a raucous, joyous festival that turned conventional Roman societal norms on their heads and was celebrated with feasting, merriment, gift-giving, and a sense of universal liberty. Historical Context and Origins...
If you’re looking for a new Christmas tradition, you could make your own nativity scene. When it comes to Christmas...
Bird spotting at Christmas is a great activity for nature lovers. Birds are a big feature at Christmas; from robins...
We may know a lot about traditional British and American Christmas but what about German Christmas traditions? It turns out a lot of German Christmas traditions have shaped the traditions all over the world. Here’s a look into German Christmas traditions. Brief History of Christmas in Germany Like most of...
One of the main traditions of Christmas is the Christmas tree. Bringing the evergreen tree (whether real or artificial) into...
For those of you wondering ‘what is the origin of Christmas?’ we have put together a few quick pointers to...
The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day in several countries around the world. Have you ever wondered why is it called Boxing Day? You may have thought it was called Boxing Day because it’s the day you throw away the boxes your Christmas presents came in. As simple as...
These days we tell children that we give people gifts at Christmas to be generous. Spreading the idea that the...
In 1644 Christmas was banned in England. It was during a time of turmoil and change in England. Christmas as...
The Victorians were hugely influential with how we celebrate Christmas today. A lot of the Christmas traditions that we take for granted were founded, adopted, or made fashionable during the Victorian period. We love looking back at the history of Christmas and its traditions. Here is some more information on...