Nativity Quiz

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A quiz about the nativity story from the bible. The story of the Nativity is the story of Jesus Christ’s birth. In this Nativity quiz, we test your knowledge of what was actually told in the bible about the Nativity.

How well do you know the story of the Nativity? Here are 25 questions and answers in this Christmas trivia quiz about the nativity. 


To use the nativity quiz either use the whole list as a quiz or maybe pick a few to design a trivia round along with some of the other quiz lists we have shared.

If you want to download the nativity quiz we have made a PDF for you which you can get at the bottom of this post.

Nativity Quiz Fun
Nativity Quiz Fun

Nativity Quiz – 25 Questions

1. Where did Mary and Joseph live before Jesus was born?
a) Nazareth b) Bethlehem c) Jerusalem

2. What was the name of the angel that told the Virgin Mary she would have a child?

3. What did Joseph do for a living?

4. Why did Mary and Joseph leave to go to Bethlehem?

5. Why couldn’t Mary and Joseph find a place to stay?

6. Where does the Bible say Jesus was born?
a) In a stable b) In hay c) In a manger

7. In which city was Jesus born?

8. Jesus was born on the 25th of December. True or false?

9. What does the angel say to the shepherds when they tell them to go to Bethlehem?

10. How many Wise Men visited baby Jesus?

11. What gifts did the wise men bring for Jesus?

12. According to the Bible, which animals were specifically mentioned as being present in the stable when Jesus was born?
a) sheep and a donkey b) cattle and a donkey c) donkey, sheep and cattle d) None

13. How many days after the birth of Christ did Joseph and Mary give him the name Jesus?

14. What does Jesus’ other name, “Immanuel”, mean?
a) God with us b) Son of God c) He who is God d) Chosen One

15. Who was the prophet that foretold a virgin shall give birth to a son called Immanuel?

16. Who spread the news about baby Jesus throughout Bethlehem?

17. Why did King Herod want to kill Jesus and all the children in Bethlehem?

18. What is the City of David also known as in the bible?

19. The wise men travelled …… to Jerusalem.
a) northward b) southward c) eastward d) westward

20. Where did Jesus’ family flee to from Bethlehem?
a) Egypt b) Nazareth c) Samaria d) Greece

21. How did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem, according to the bible?

22. Which of the gospels tell the story of the Nativity

23. Who was the Roman ruler at the time Jesus was born?

24. Children in the region of what age were to be killed, in the hope that Jesus would also be killed?

25. Christmas wasn’t celebrated for over 300 years after Jesus died. True or False?


Nativity Quiz Answers

1. Where did Mary and Joseph live before Jesus was born?
a) Nazareth b) Bethlehem c) Jerusalem


2. What was the name of the angel that told the Virgin Mary she would have a child?


3. What did Joseph do for a living?


4. Why did Mary and Joseph leave to go to Bethlehem?

To register for the census (and possibly to pay taxes)

5. Why couldn’t Mary and Joseph find a place to stay?

There was no room at the inn.

6. Where does the Bible say Jesus was born?
a) In a stable b) In hay c) In a manger

c) In a manger

7. In which city was Jesus born?


8. Jesus was born on the 25th of December. True or false?


9. What does the angel say to the shepherds when they tell them to go to Bethlehem?

‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to all men’

10. How many Wise Men visited baby Jesus?

The bible doesn’t say

11. What gifts did the wise men bring for Jesus?

Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh

12. According to the Bible, which animals were specifically mentioned as being present in the stable when Jesus was born?
a) sheep and a donkey b) cattle and a donkey c) donkey, sheep and cattle d) None

d) None

13. How many days after the birth of Christ did Joseph and Mary give him the name Jesus?

8 – as was required by law at the time

14. What does Jesus’ other name, “Immanuel”, mean?
a) God with us b) Son of God c) He who is God d) Chosen One

a) God with us

15. Who was the prophet that foretold a virgin shall give birth to a son called Immanuel?

Prophet Isaiah.

16. Who spread the news about baby Jesus throughout Bethlehem?

The shepherds

17. Why did King Herod want to kill Jesus and all the children in Bethlehem?

He was worried about the threat to his sovereignty as King

18. What is the City of David also known as in the bible?


19. The wise men travelled …… to Jerusalem.
a) northward b) southward c) eastward d) westward

d) westward

20. Where did Jesus’ family flee to from Bethlehem?
a) Egypt b) Nazareth c) Samaria d) Greece

a) Egypt

21. How did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem, according to the bible?

It doesn’t say.

22. Which of the gospels tell the story of the Nativity

Luke and Matthew

23. Who was the Roman ruler at the time Jesus was born?

Caesar Augustus

24. Children in the region of what age were to be killed, in the hope that Jesus would also be killed?

2 years old and under

25. Christmas wasn’t celebrated for over 300 years after Jesus died. True or False?


Download the Nativity Trivia Quiz

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  • To get the Nativity quiz download simply add your details to the form below and confirm your email address.
  • You will then gain access to the secret resource library full of loads of PDF quizzes and planners to help you make the most of this festive season.


Nativity Quiz 1

Nativity Quiz 2

Nativity Quiz 3


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