How To Organise A Snowball Fight

Teamwork makes the dream work, and this also applies when you organise a snowball fight. Yes, it’s fun to just get out and go crazy in the snow. Sending snowballs flying in all directions. But to have the most epic snowball fight, you need teams. Because what’s better than a little friendly competition?!

Who To Invite To A Snowball Fight

Who to invite is completely up to you. If you’re planning a snowball fight for children then you can invite friends and children from your family. And if your child is in a club or team you can invite them.

For older people, you can invite friends, students, co-workers, neighbours. Just get enough people to make two or more teams.

A good snowball fight team size is typically around 5-10 people.

Mittens next to snowballs

How To Prepare For The Snowball Fight

First things first get send out invites. This could be making a group chat to find everyone’s availability or sending physical invites.

Obviously, you need to wait for it to snow but when you think there’s enough on the ground then it’s time to get the location ready. Whether that means going to the park and staking a claim on the day or getting things ready to act as shields.

For the teams, you need to organise a colour scheme or something similar so that you can identify who’s with who. Bear in mind, you don’t need to be in head to toe of that colour, but a cheeky red hat or blue gloves would do the trick.

Also, make sure everyone’s kitted out properly because you will get cold. We’re talking hats, scarves, gloves, winter coats, thick socks and appropriate shoes. If you need to purchase good snow gloves.

Sorting Snowball Teams

You can use a big snowball fight as a friendship building experience. If that’s what you want to do, then you should organise teams by having each person being friends with one other person on the team so that everyone can start talking. Even if it’s just team strategy.

If you’re all friends already then, the host should appoint team leaders. And those team leaders can pick the members of their teams.

How to Choose The Location for a Snowball Fight

Girl picking up snow for snowball
Image credit Drew Farwell

The location you should pick depends on how many people you’re planning on getting involved and the age. If you’re planning on getting some children together then a park or a big back garden will do fine. You can use garden furniture for team territory markings. For example, team one can use a slide for a safe haven and team two can use the swings.

If you’re getting older kids and adults playing, then a field could be a good option. You can mark out areas with scarves and markings in the snow. If there’s enough snow and you have time to prepare you can make snow structures to work as forts for the teams.

A good rule of thumb is picking a location where people can run and hide comfortably and if they’re children playing, then make sure they can all be seen when playing.

Prizes Or No Prizes?

When it comes to competitions sometimes being able to say you won is enough but for a snowball fight, it may be worth getting some winners prizes ready to acknowledge everyone’s time in the snow.

A good participation prize can be a hot chocolate for all, and the winners can get some Christmas cookies or candy canes. If you have a good budget, then £5 gift cards may be a nice prize for the winning teams’ members.

Snowball Fight Rules

Boy throwing snowball at girl in snowball fight

General rules for snowball fights:

  1. Aim below the head
  2. Don’t incorporate stones or gravel or sand into your snowball
  3. The team fort is no man’s land. You can’t throw balls at people in their fort
  4. You can’t camp in your fort. You have to give everyone a time limit to be at their team fort. 30 seconds to a minute is a good time frame.
  5. Have fun

Now you’re all set to have an awesome snowball fight this winter! And don’t forget, have a canister full of hot chocolate ready at the side for everyone involved.

How to organise a snowball fight

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